I dreamt I was in my bed, in my room. There was something in the corner of the room that meant me a lot of harm. I could see it but couldn't quite see what or who it was. But I was scared. Really really scared. I couldn't move. I couldn't get away. I tried getting away. I screamed for help but nobody would help. When I woke up, I still felt scared.
Dreams about being unable to move or feeling paralyzed are quite common, and they usually stem from feelings of powerlessness or the feeling of being trapped in a situation. In this dream, the presence of an unknown figure in the corner of your room may represent a feeling of vulnerability or fear that is lurking in your waking life.
The fact that you couldn't quite see what or who it was can indicate uncertainty or feeling unsure about the source of your fear. The feelings of helpless and being unable to scream for help may suggest that in your waking life, you may be feeling isolated and unsupported or feel like no one is listening to you even when you ask for help.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the emotions you are currently experiencing in your waking life. Try to identify what is causing you to feel vulnerable or fearful, and consider reaching out to someone you trust for support to help you overcome those negative emotions.